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The Man who Distributes Happiness(Secrets of Ultra Cosmic Spirit)
저자 : KWANG HO JUNG ㅣ 출판사 : 은행나무출판사

2008.03.12 ㅣ 247p ㅣ ISBN-13 : 9788956602226

판매가10,800(10% 할인)
적립금 600원 (5%)
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?????The world we look through ultra cosmic spirit is wonderful.
The power of ultra cosmic spirit changing me, us, and the world is potential in our mind.
Ultra cosmic spirit enlightens us to meet the light of cosmic mind.
The energy liberates us from the pain, grief, anger and gredd.
When you listen to cosmic mind and receive ultra cosmic spirt, you will be free from the mental pain as well as physical one.
Ultra Cosmic Spirit, the energy for health and wealth
What makes us so difficult to find peace and happiness in this world? Why do we have feeling of emptiness and jealousy? How do we find pure and calm mind in troubled life? You could find the answer in this ground-breaking book The Man who Distributes Happiness published by EunHaeng NaMu Publisher.
Kwang-ho Jung the author insists that he was given the Light which is equally said ultra cosmic spirit. He explains what the Light is, and what the Light can do for the people who receive it in this book. The Light, ultra cosmic spirit is the answer for the happy and rich life, and it depends on your mind to receive the light or not. The name, ultra cosmic spirit, is the word to express the power that is beyond super power, energy or solar light and avoid certain words which can cause misunderstanding as well as religious term. Substance of the power is from cosmic order and cosmic mind.
The power that controls, adjusts and supervises the universe including the earth is the very cosmic mind and spirit. It is super natural and super scientific power, which comes from the origin of cosmos.
So to speak, ultra cosmic spirit is absolute power of cosmos itself that maintains star, wind, light, life and everything. Therefore, the power is unlimited, warm and pure. It is superiority that tolerates all things but doesn"t display itself and wish cost. Only it exists as good, love, compassion and infinite.
Basic principle of ultra cosmic spirit is the recovery of cosmic spirit purifying mind and stability, and achieves what people wishes. When cosmic mind which we have lost, is recovered, our body and life can go to the origin, which is the motive of ultra cosmic spirit.
The original aim of ultra cosmic spirit is not for saving physical body. Saving life and curing disease is not the original commission of the power. Those things are just compassion of cosmic mind while preach

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